L'Etat, c'est la grande fiction à travers laquelle tout le monde s'efforce de vivre aux dépens de tout le monde. Frédéric Bastiat

mardi 29 janvier 2008

Guilty feeling ?

Un syndrome récurrent sur lequel les psychothérapeutes devraient se pencher un jour: comme George Soros avant lui, le richissime Bill Gates culpabilise et vire à gauche :
(...) In a system of capitalism, as people's wealth rises, the financial incentive to serve them rises. As their wealth falls, the financial incentive to serve them falls, until it becomes zero. We have to find a way to make the aspects of capitalism that serve wealthier people serve poorer people as well. (...)
The challenge here is to design a system where market incentives, including profits and recognition, drive those principles to do more for the poor.
I like to call this idea creative capitalism, an approach where governments, businesses, and nonprofits work together to stretch the reach of market forces so that more people can make a profit, or gain recognition, doing work that eases the world's inequities. (...)
Ou comment faire revenir l'Etat par la petite porte...