L'Etat, c'est la grande fiction à travers laquelle tout le monde s'efforce de vivre aux dépens de tout le monde. Frédéric Bastiat

mardi 10 mai 2005

Pénurie de travailleurs en Chine

Les bonnes âmes qui condamnent la "concurrence déloyale" des pays pauvres ignorent les règles économiques les plus élémentaires.
Entraînée dans une course au dévelopement industriel sans précédent, la Chine est en effet déjà confrontée à un cruel manque de travailleurs dans certains secteurs professionnels:

"Can China—population 1.3 billion—really be running short of people? In many of the most important parts of its booming economy, the answer, increasingly, is yes. Though China has a vast pool of unskilled labour, firms in the south now complain that they cannot recruit enough cheap factory and manual workers. The market is even tighter for skilled labour. As the economy grows and moves into higher value-added work, the challenge of attracting and retaining staff is rising with the skill level, as demand outstrips supply. The result is escalating costs for firms operating in China. “If you think that China is a cheap place for labour, think again,” says Vincent Gauthier of Hewitt Associates, a human-resources consultancy."

Certaines entreprises chinoises envisagent même de ... délocaliser leurs activités à plus faible valeur ajoutée:
"Some foreign firms hope to persuade the expatriates they send out to stay longer than first planned—despite their higher cost. Some are relocating operations from the coast to smaller, cheaper cities to tap new markets for talent. Some are even considering outsourcing from China itself, by moving parts of their operations to, say, Vietnam and Cambodia, where the workforce is even cheaper and younger."
Les "altermédiocres" ont donc encore perdu une bonne occasion de se taire...