L'Etat, c'est la grande fiction à travers laquelle tout le monde s'efforce de vivre aux dépens de tout le monde. Frédéric Bastiat

mardi 27 juin 2006


Sur les effets positifs de l'ouverture unilatérale au commerce international:

The case for unilateral liberalization is the traditional case for free trade. Imports are not merely "the price we pay for exports," but an economic gain that boost consumption, increase competition, and lower input costs. If our trading partners decide to drop rocks in their harbors, that is not a reason for us to follow suit.

L'exigence d'une réciprocité dans la libéralisation des échanges (qui est le fondement de l'OMC) ne repose sur aucune logique:
The most persistent misconception is that, unless one receives better market access in exchange, opening one’s market is to be avoided, even if doing so would “promote prosperity and opportunity for all nations.” The wholesale acceptance of that illogical premise is what gives rise to the fallacy that reciprocity-based negotiations are requisite to trade liberalization.

Un principe déjà brillamment décrit par Frédéric Bastiat.