The Economist, sur les effets pervers du contrôle des prix de l'énergie en Argentine:
"Analysts have long predicted that the consequences of the government's populist energy policies would begin to be felt this winter. During Argentina's 2001-02 economic crisis, the government forcibly converted all energy tariffs from dollars to pesos, representing a cut of nearly two-thirds in their real value. Since then, only a handful of modest increases have been permitted, resulting in energy prices that are some 40% lower than those in neighbouring countries.
This has caused private-sector energy investment to grind to a virtual halt, while the economy has grown by nearly 9% a year. As a result, Argentina's proven gas reserves have fallen from more than 20 years' worth of production in the mid-1990s to less than ten years' worth today, and it can no longer produce enough electricity to cover exceptional demand."