Via le Québécois Libre, un article de Lawrence Solomon sur les 4 dangers des "incitatifs verts" induits par le Protocole de Kyoto et le commerce des droits d'émission de CO2:
The first is the threat to the world's forests, especially old-growth forests which do not soak up carbon from the atmosphere. By seizing these forests, cutting them down, and converting them to carbon-intensive plantations, Third World governments and their cronies can cash in on carbon credits, to the dismay of the old-growth forests' inhabitants.
The second looming catastrophe, also caused by Kyoto carbon credits, again affects the poorest of the poor -- a widespread food shortage, accompanied by rising prices, as agricultural lands are turned to ethanol and other bio-fuels rather than nourishment.
The third and fourth environmental catastrophes involve the resurrection of large hydro-electric dams and nuclear reactors. Before the Kyoto mind-set took hold, these grandiose government-backed relics of yesteryear were struggling to get off the drawing boards of energy planners. With Kyoto's low-carbon chic restoring their respectability, and carbon credits making them less ruinous financially, both are back with a vengeance.