L'Etat, c'est la grande fiction à travers laquelle tout le monde s'efforce de vivre aux dépens de tout le monde. Frédéric Bastiat

mardi 6 juin 2006


Trouvé via l’Institut Hayek, cet article du Guardian décrivant le désespoir d’une certaine jeunesse française qui s’en va chercher le bonheur au Royaume-Uni :

While the French continue to stage mass protests against changes to their employment laws, hundreds of thousands of their compatriots have voted with their feet and come to work in Britain. Figures now suggest that - contrary to popular perception - there may be more French people living in Britain than there are Brits in France. Since 1999, about 15,000 French people have moved to Britain each year while 10,000 British have gone the other way, according to figures from the UK's Office for National Statistics. (…)
France's youth unemployment rate is around 23%, rising to 50% in young immigrant communities - a crucial factor behind last year's riots in many areas. France's overall unemployment rate tops 9%, compared with 5% in the UK. Besides this, the British economy has been reasonably successful at creating new jobs - 2.4 million of them since 1997 - and jobs in the UK tend to be better paid. Wages have been rising strongly in Britain for the past decade, but have stagnated in France.